About the Glen Arbor Women’s Club

Welcome to the Glen Arbor Women’s Club! Thank you for joining, as we look forward to another great year!

Our mission statement is “The object of this club shall be a pure motive to be devoted to worthy and charitable purposes; the promotion of goodwill in the community; and the recognition of civic responsibilities.

Monthly membership meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, September through June at the Glen Arbor Township Hall, unless otherwise announced. Social time starts at 6:30pm, and the program begins at 7:00pm. A brief club meeting is held followed by social time and refreshments.

Dues are payable at the September meeting; $40 for new members, which includes a magnetic club name tag, and $30 per year for returning members.

The club is set up in the following way:

Executive Board

President – Sandy Zubik

Vice President/Programs – Jackie Watson/Karen Doroff-Johnson

Recording Secretary – Gayle Staber

Communications – Mary Pellerito

Treasurer – Julie Tarr

The officers run for two-year terms with officer elections at the May meeting.

Committees & Chairpersons

Hospitality – Judi Jacobs

The committee is responsible for monthly meeting refreshments, greeting guests as they arrive and overseeing meeting room set-up.

Membership – Elaine Baxter

The committee is responsible for facilitating member/guest check-in at each regular meeting and maintaining all membership contact information.

Nominating – Open

The committee is responsible for filling the slate of officers as vacancies occur.

 Scholarship – Karen Ballard

The committee is responsible for the review and selection of scholarship candidates.

Community Giving – Judy Meyer

The committee is responsible for soliciting and reviewing grant applications and distributing club charitable donations each Spring.

Holiday Dinner – Jane Becker 

The committee is responsible for all aspects of the December Holiday Dinner.

Spring Scholarship Reception – Marianne Dugan 

The committee is responsible for all aspects of the June Spring dinner.

Running Bear Run – Marianne Dugan

This is the club’s only fundraising event. The proceeds from this annual event provide five scholarships for students at Glen Lake High School. This family fun run occurs on the fourth Tuesday of July each year.

Committee sign-up occurs in May and June each year, so the club is ready to start the new year in September.

Glen Arbor Womens Club Annual Meeting

Club Mailing Address

Glen Arbor Women’s Club
PO Box 412
Glen Arbor, MI 49636

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For any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Guest Card